Prescription Drug Crimes

Standing Up For Your Rights Against Severe Charges

Pharmaceutical companies belong to a multibillion-dollar industry. It is no surprise that both the illegal use of prescription drugs and arrests alleging their misuse are simultaneously on the rise.

These charges are not always made appropriately, however. Furthermore, a conviction can lead to serious jail time and have a long-lasting impact on your livelihood. It is essential that you retain the experienced attorneys at Rubin Law Group, who will stand up for your rights and help you obtain a just outcome.

Putting Together A Legal Strategy On Your Behalf

It is not uncommon for an individual to face a possession charge if he or she was not carrying his or her prescription bottle or documents at the time of the arrest. In other cases, your child may have been at a party where these drugs were in use. In any case, we will examine the circumstances of your arrest as we pursue the best results possible.

Strategic Defense Against A Wide Array Of Charges

Our clients include those who have been charged with possession or trafficking the following prescription drugs:

  • Xanax
  • Oxycodone
  • OxyContin
  • Percocet
  • Vicodin
  • Valium
  • Ritalin

We understand your circumstances and do everything in our power to minimize the consequences of your drug charges. Our attorneys work together to comprehensively build a thorough, efficient and cost-effective case for our clients.

We set our fees in a way that allows our clients to make choices based on the outcome they desire, not financial fear.

Get An Experienced Lawyer On Your Side

For more information or to schedule your free initial consultation with one of our Manhattan prescription drug crimes lawyers, call Rubin Law Group, at 212-691-9404 or contact us online.

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