NYC Sexual Assault Lawyer

At Michael Rubin Law Group, P.C., we understand the profound impact that sexual assault can have on an individual’s life. Our dedicated team of NYC sexual assault attorneys is committed to providing compassionate, confidential, and comprehensive legal support to survivors. We believe in fighting tirelessly for the justice and compensation our clients deserve, all while offering the empathy and understanding needed during such a challenging time. Contact us today for a confidential, compassionate, and FREE consultation.

What Is Sexual Abuse and Assault?

sexual abuse lawyer

Sexual abuse and assault encompass a range of non-consensual and unwanted sexual activities perpetrated against an individual without their consent. These terms are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings and cover various behaviors, all of which are serious violations of an individual’s rights and dignity. Understanding these terms is crucial for recognizing the gravity of these actions and providing the necessary support and legal recourse for victims.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is a broad term that refers to any sexual behavior or act forced upon someone without their permission. It can involve physical contact or non-contact activities and includes but is not limited to:

  • Molestation or unwanted sexual touching
  • Incest or sexual contact between family members
  • Exploitation, such as forcing someone to participate in pornographic filming
  • Sexual harassment, including unwelcome sexual advances or remarks
  • Exposing someone to pornography without their consent

Sexual abuse can occur in various contexts, including but not limited to domestic, work, institutional settings, or within relationships.

Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is a specific type of sexual violence that involves any non-consensual sexual act or attempt to obtain a sexual act by violence or coercion. This includes:

  • Rape or attempted rape
  • Forced penetration of any body part with a body part or object
  • Non-consensual kissing, touching, or groping
  • Any sexual activity that a person does not agree to
  • Online sexual abuse and exploitation

Sexual assault can be perpetrated by anyone — strangers, acquaintances, friends, family members, or intimate partners. It’s important to note that consent must be freely given, informed, and reversible at any time, and the absence of consent is what makes these acts assaultive.

Key Points of Sexual Assault


The cornerstone of distinguishing acceptable sexual behavior from abuse or assault. Consent must be explicit, informed, and voluntary, and it can be withdrawn at any time.


Both sexual abuse and assault can have profound and long-lasting effects on a victim’s physical and mental health, including trauma, depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Legal Recourse

Laws vary by jurisdiction, but sexual abuse and assault are criminal offenses in many places, and victims have the right to seek justice and compensation for their suffering.

Understanding sexual abuse and assault is fundamental to recognizing the severity of these acts, supporting survivors, and taking legal and social steps to prevent their occurrence. If you or someone you know is a victim of sexual abuse or assault, it’s important to seek professional support and legal advice to navigate the path to recovery and justice.

How a Sexual Assault Lawyer Can Help

As a dedicated law firm with experience in representing survivors of sexual assault, we understand the immense challenges you face in the aftermath of such a traumatic experience. Our role goes beyond just legal representation; we provide comprehensive support and advocacy to ensure your voice is heard, and we hold the abuse accountable. Here’s how our experienced sexual assault lawyers can assist you:

Providing Compassionate Legal Guidance

We offer a safe, confidential environment where you can share your story without judgment. Understanding the sensitive nature of sexual assault, our team approaches every sexual abuse claim with empathy, offering the compassionate support and respect you deserve. We’ll help you understand your legal options and the potential outcomes of your case, empowering you to make informed decisions about your future.

Navigating the Legal System

The legal landscape for sexual assault cases can be complex and daunting. Our seasoned attorneys have a deep understanding of both state and federal laws regarding sexual assault. We will navigate the legal system on your behalf, handling all aspects of your case, from filing claims to representing you in court. We aim to minimize your stress and ensure the legal process is as smooth and understandable as possible.

Building a Strong Case

Our legal team will meticulously gather and analyze evidence to build a compelling case on your behalf. This includes collecting medical records, police reports, eyewitness statements, and other documentation supporting your claim. We understand the nuances of proving sexual assault cases and employ strategic legal tactics designed to present your case in the strongest possible light.

Fighting for Your Rights and Compensation

We are committed to holding the perpetrator accountable for their actions and seeking justice for you. Our attorneys will aggressively advocate for your rights to secure the maximum compensation you deserve. This includes damages for medical expenses, psychological counseling, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any other losses you have incurred as a result of the assault.

Offering Support Beyond the Courtroom

Recognizing that healing from sexual assault involves more than just legal remedies, we provide resources and referrals to counseling services, support groups, and other community resources to assist you in your recovery journey. Our firm believes in a holistic approach to your well-being, ensuring you have access to the support you need to start healing.

Ensuring Confidentiality and Discretion

We prioritize your privacy and confidentiality throughout the entire legal process. Our team takes all necessary precautions to protect your sensitive information and ensure your case is handled with the utmost discretion and professionalism.

We stand with survivors of sexual assault. Our dedicated sexual assault lawyers are here to help you through this challenging time with legal experience, emotional support, and unwavering advocacy. If you or a loved one has been affected by sexual assault, please reach out to us for a confidential consultation to explore how we can assist you in seeking justice and healing.

Institutions Where Sexual Abuse Most Often Occurs

Sexual abuse is a pervasive issue that can occur in virtually any setting, but research and reports have highlighted several institutions where it most often occurs. These settings often have inherent power imbalances, lack of oversight, or specific environments that can facilitate or conceal abusive behavior. Understanding these contexts can help create better preventive measures and support systems for victims. Here are some of the institutions where sexual abuse most frequently occurs:

Educational Institutions

  • Schools and Universities: These settings can involve abuse by teachers, staff, or fellow students. The hierarchical nature of the relationship between students and staff can make it difficult for victims to come forward. Colleges and universities also face challenges with sexual assault, especially in contexts like fraternity houses or dormitories. If the school is federally funded, these cases can fall under Title IX and you will should reach out to a Title IX lawyer immediately.

Religious Institutions

  • Churches, Temples, and Other Places of Worship: Numerous reports have surfaced over the years of sexual abuse within religious institutions. The perpetrators can be highly respected figures, such as priests, pastors, or religious leaders, making it challenging for victims to report the abuse due to the reverence for authority figures in these settings.

Sports Organizations

  • Athletic Teams and Clubs: Coaches and team officials have been found to abuse their positions of trust and authority to commit sexual abuse. The competitive nature of sports and the close, often isolated, coach-athlete relationships can contribute to environments where abuse can occur.


  • Various Industries: Sexual harassment and assault can occur in any workplace, from corporate offices to retail environments. Power dynamics, such as those between supervisors and their employees, can create situations where victims feel unable to report abuse for fear of retaliation or losing their job.

Healthcare Settings

  • Hospitals, Clinics, and Care Facilities: Patients can be vulnerable to abuse by healthcare professionals who exploit their position of trust and authority. This can be particularly insidious given the intimate nature of medical care and patients’ dependency on healthcare providers.

Correctional Facilities

  • Prisons and Detention Centers: Inmates can face sexual abuse by other inmates or, more troublingly, by the staff and officials supposed to protect them. The closed environment and power imbalances contribute to a high risk of abuse.

Child Care Settings

  • Daycare Centers, Foster Care, and Residential Homes: Children are particularly vulnerable to abuse in environments where adults are in caretaking roles. The dependency of children on these adults for care and protection can make it difficult for them to report abuse.

The Military

Online Platforms

  • Social Media and Chat Rooms: The digital realm has also become a significant area of concern, with predators using anonymity and the expansive reach of the internet to exploit, groom, or harass individuals, often minors.

Addressing sexual abuse in these institutions requires comprehensive strategies, including better oversight, transparent reporting mechanisms, support for sexual abuse victims, and a cultural shift towards zero tolerance of such behavior. If you or someone you know is a sexual abuse victim, it is important to seek help from trusted sources and, if necessary, legal assistance to navigate the path to justice and healing.

Steps to Take After Sexual Assault

If you or someone you know is a sexual assault victim, it’s crucial to know that there are steps you can take to seek help, preserve evidence, and begin the healing process. It’s important to remember that every individual’s response to trauma is unique, and there’s no “right” way to react. However, the following guidelines can offer a pathway to support and justice:

1. Get to a Safe Place

Your safety is the priority. If you’re in immediate danger, find a safe location away from the perpetrator. This could be a friend’s house, a family member’s home, or any place where you feel secure.

2. Seek Medical Attention

Even if you don’t think you have physical injuries, a medical examination is crucial. Healthcare providers can treat injuries, test for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), provide emergency contraception to prevent pregnancy, and collect evidence (if you decide to report the assault).

3. Preserve Evidence

Try not to shower, change clothes, eat, drink, or brush your teeth if you haven’t yet been examined by a medical professional. This helps preserve DNA and other evidence that could be crucial if you decide to pursue legal action.

4. Consider Reporting the Assault

Reporting to the police is your choice. If you decide to report, doing so sooner rather than later can help preserve evidence and start the legal process. However, it’s essential to do what feels right for you.

5. Reach Out for Support

Connect with someone you trust. This could be a friend, family member, counselor, or a sexual assault response advocate. Many communities have rape crisis centers or hotlines that offer confidential support and guidance.

6. Document Everything

Keep a record of all interactions related to the assault, including medical visits, conversations with law enforcement, and any other steps you’ve taken. This documentation can be valuable in both the healing process and any legal actions.

7. Consider Professional Support

Trauma from sexual assault can manifest in many ways, and it’s okay to seek help. Therapists, counselors, and support groups in sexual assault can provide the care and understanding needed to navigate the aftermath.

8. Know Your Rights

If you decide to take legal action, consulting with a sexual assault lawyer can provide clarity on your rights and options. A lawyer can guide you through the legal process, advocate on your behalf, and help protect your rights.

9. Give Yourself Time

Healing from sexual assault is a personal journey that takes time. Allow yourself to feel and express your emotions in your own way. There’s no “normal” timeline for healing, and seeking help at any point is okay.

10. Remember, It’s Not Your Fault

No one has the right to violate another person, and the responsibility for the assault lies solely with the perpetrator. Self-blame can be a common response, but it’s important to remind yourself that you are not at fault.

Taking these steps can be incredibly challenging in the wake of trauma. Remember, you don’t have to go through this alone. Support is available, and reaching out when you’re ready can be a significant first step toward healing and justice.

Compensation You May Be Entitled to After a Sexual Assault

After experiencing sexual assault, pursuing compensation through legal channels can be an important part of the healing process and a means to address the financial, emotional, and physical impacts of the assault. While the specifics can vary significantly depending on the jurisdiction and the circumstances of the case, here are common types of compensation that survivors may be entitled to:

1. Medical Bills

Financial compensation can cover both current and future medical expenses related to the sexual assault. This includes emergency room visits, hospitalization, surgeries, medications, and any specialized treatments like STD testing, reproductive health services, or physical therapy.

2. Counseling and Therapy Costs

The psychological impact of sexual assault can be profound and long-lasting. Fair compensation often includes the cost of psychological counseling, therapy sessions, and any psychiatric treatments required to help the survivor cope with the trauma and begin the process of healing.

3. Lost Wages and Earning Capacity

If the trauma of the assault led to time off work, a decrease in the ability to work, or even a career change due to psychological effects, survivors might be compensated for lost wages. In cases where the survivor’s future earning capacity is affected, compensation can also reflect this loss.

4. Pain and Suffering

This category compensates for the physical pain and emotional distress experienced by the survivor as a result of the assault. While more difficult to quantify than medical bills or lost wages, pain and suffering compensation acknowledges the significant emotional impact of sexual abuse crimes.

5. Punitive Damages

In some cases, courts award punitive damages as a way to punish the perpetrator or a negligent third party (such as an institution that failed to prevent the assault) for their actions. While not directly tied to the costs incurred by the survivor, punitive damages are meant to serve as a deterrent against future misconduct.

6. Loss of Enjoyment of Life

Sexual assault can drastically alter a survivor’s ability to enjoy life and engage in activities they once found pleasurable. Compensation can sometimes include damages for this diminished quality of life.

7. Legal Costs and Attorney’s Fees

In many cases, the cost of pursuing legal action, including attorney’s fees and court costs, can be included in the compensation awarded to the survivor.

It’s important to note that the availability and extent of these types of compensation can depend on various factors, including the laws of the state or country where the assault occurred, the specifics of the individual case, and whether the claim is pursued in criminal or civil court. Consulting with an experienced sexual assault lawyer can provide clarity on what compensation might be available in your specific situation and how best to pursue it.

Why Choose Michael Rubin Law Group, P.C. as Your NYC Sexual Assault Attorney?

  • Experience in Sexual Assault Cases: Our legal team possesses deep knowledge and experience in handling sexual assault cases in New York City. We stay abreast of the evolving laws and use our profound legal experience to navigate the complexities of each case.
  • Compassionate Legal Support: We prioritize your comfort and trust. Understanding the sensitivity of sexual assault cases, our attorneys approach every client with the utmost compassion and discretion. We’re here to listen, support, and advocate on your behalf.
  • Dedicated to Your Cause: Our goal is to empower you through the legal process. By choosing Michael Rubin Law Group, P.C., you’re not just getting a personal injury lawyer; you’re gaining an ally who’s dedicated to making your voice heard and securing the justice you seek.
  • Comprehensive Legal Strategies: Recognizing the unique challenges of sexual assault cases, we employ comprehensive legal strategies tailored to the specifics of your situation. Our approach combines thorough investigation, aggressive representation, and compassionate counseling to protect your rights and interests.

Ready to Take the Next Step? Contact Michael Rubin Law Group, P.C. Today

If you or a loved one has experienced sexual assault, you don’t have to navigate this challenging journey alone. The compassionate and experienced team at Michael Rubin Law Group, P.C. is here to provide the legal support and advocacy you need to seek justice and healing. With a deep commitment to our clients and a proven track record of success, we’re ready to stand by your side every step of the way.

Contact us today for a confidential consultation. Let us help you reclaim your voice and your rights.


1. What does a sexual abuse lawyer do?

A sexual assault lawyer has experience in representing individuals who have been victims of sexual assault or abuse. They offer legal advice, help navigate the criminal justice system, and represent clients in civil lawsuits to seek compensation for damages caused by the assault. Sexual abuse attorneys also provide a supportive, understanding environment for victims to discuss their cases.

2. Can I file a lawsuit if the assault happened years ago?

Yes, in many jurisdictions, there are specific statutes of limitations that dictate how long after an incident a lawsuit can be filed. However, recent changes in the law in some areas have extended these periods, especially for assaults that occurred during the victim’s childhood. A sexual assault lawyer can provide advice based on the current laws in your jurisdiction.

3. What kind of compensation can I expect from a sexual assault lawsuit?

Compensation in sexual assault cases can cover various damages, including medical expenses, therapy costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and punitive damages in some cases. The exact amount depends on the specifics of each case, including the severity of the assault and its long-term effects on the victim.

4. How long does a sexual assault lawsuit take?

The duration of a sexual assault lawsuit can vary widely depending on several factors, including the complexity of the case, the amount of evidence available, and the legal processes in your jurisdiction. Some cases may be resolved in a few months, while others might take several years.

5. Will I have to face the perpetrator in court?

In criminal cases, you might have to testify in court, which could involve facing the perpetrator. However, in civil cases, your personal injury lawyer can represent your interests, and it may not always be necessary for you to be present. Your attorney will prepare you for all possibilities and support you throughout the process.

6. Is the consultation with a sexual assault lawyer confidential?

Yes, consultations with our team of lawyers will be confidential. Anything you discuss with your lawyer will not be shared with anyone outside your legal team without your permission. This confidentiality is crucial for building trust and ensuring that clients feel safe sharing their experiences.

7. What should I bring to my first meeting with a sexual assault lawyer?

It’s helpful to bring any documentation related to the assault and its aftermath, including police reports, medical records, any communication with the perpetrator, and a written account of the incident. However, if you don’t have these documents or are not ready to share them, you can still meet with a lawyer to discuss your case.

8. How can I choose the right sexual assault lawyer for my case?

Look for a lawyer with experience in sexual assault cases and a track record of compassionate client representation. Choosing someone you feel comfortable with is also important, as you’ll share sensitive information with them. Many lawyers offer free initial consultations, which can be a good opportunity to assess if they fit you.